Succeed with awareness, education and a support community for people with Lupus.
Living with Lupus


We started I Define Lupus because we want to help people with Lupus through education and awareness.

Medical Disclaimer:
Please consult with your physician or other health care professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, beginning any diet, nutrition or fitness plan or adopting any treatment for a health problem, whether offered on the I Define Lupus site or otherwise.

Eric Stephon

Exercising with Lupus

People living with lupus understand how difficult it can be managing the exhaustion and joint pain on a day-to-day basis, let alone exercising through it. However, research has shown exercising can help build muscle, alleviate joint stiffness, and avoid weight gain. Your first step would be to consult your doctor in order to know and understand what to avoid during those flare ups.

Here are two fun exercises you can do from the comfort of your own home 2-4 days per week. Remember to stretch before performing any exercise!

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Find a foot stance that feels best for you, pointing your toes slightly outwards, keep back straight with a neutral spine. Initiate squat at the knees and simultaneously hinge at the hips. Go down as close to parallels possible and stand back up. Tip: If you do not know what’s best, start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Use a chair to sit into and stand up from if using your body weight is too difficult.

Sets: 3-4
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 45-60 secs



Alternating Lunge

Stand tall with feet shoulder-with apart, keep torso upright. Take one big step forward, drop your rear knee down just above the floor until your front knee is bent at least 90 degrees, stand up using your front leg and return to starting position. Alternate legs and repeat. Tip: Use a chair to help maintain stability if using your body weight is too difficult.

Sets: 3-4
Reps: 6-10 (each leg)
Rest: 45-60 secs



Incline Push Up

Stand facing a bench, table or edge of a bench. Place your hands on the edge just slightly wider than shoulder-width. Your arms are straight but elbows not locked and align your feet so that your body forms a straight line. Bend your elbows to lower your chest to the edge and push your body away until your elbows are extended. Keep repetitions slow and controlled. Tip: Stand facing a wall if the incline is too difficult.

Sets: 4-5
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 45-60 secs



Reverse Crunch

Lie face up on the floor, with your palms facing down. Bend your knees 90 degrees. Raise your hips off the floor, bringing your knees towards your chest, and crunch them inward. Pause, and then slowly lower your legs until your heels nearly touch the floor.

Sets: 3-4
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 45-60 secs



Glute Bridge

Lie face up on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor and your palms facing down. Lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line, and hold for 5 seconds before easing back down.

Sets: 4-5
Reps: 12-15
Rest: 45-60 secs



Low Plank

Start on the floor on hands and knees. Lower your forearms to the floor with your elbows positioned under your shoulders, shoulder-width apart. Step your feet back, making a straight line with your body.

Sets: 3-5
Reps: 20 secs
Rest: 30-45 secs




Lie straight, face down on the floor (preferably on an exercise mat), with your feet and arms fully extended. Simultaneously raise your arms, legs and chest off the floor and hold for 2-3 seconds. Slowly lower your body and repeat.

Sets: 3-4
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 30-45 secs



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